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Washington Library Media Association - WLMA Conference


Guide for Selecting Anti-Bias Children's Books - Social Justice Books

There are myriad policies and procedures impacting school libraries that are of critical importance. This article aims to provide insight on these and act as a guide for those involved in managing and maintaining these vital educational resources. Dynamic shifts in law, education philosophy, and societal advancements necessitate regular revisions of school district policies, ensuring they remain up-to-date. The Washington Library Media Association (WLMA) plays an essential role in this process.

Selection Policies and Procedures

When formulating policies regarding selection, school districts must consider a plethora of factors. This encompasses a commitment to the Library Bill of Rights, equitable access to diverse viewpoints, and alignment with educational curricula. The selection process involves professional staff and is based on listed criteria to ensure a balanced and representative collection.

Fines, Damage & Loss Replacement

Library policies on fines, damages, and replacements are constructed within the framework of state law. They include detailed procedures addressing scenarios where a student may transfer out of district or is unable to pay fines, and describe the assessment of charges for material replacement.

Copyright Policy and Procedures


In the evolving landscape of copyright law, particularly regarding new technologies and electronic access to information, it is essential for school districts to stay informed about changes. The district's policies should reflect the latest legal standards and guidelines for fair use, along with the delineation of staff and student responsibilities.

Electronic Access to Information and Acceptable Use Policies

The effective integration of Internet use in education requires clear policies delineating the responsibilities and ethical use expectations for both staff and students. Such policies need to address potential risks and how inappropriate use is handled within the broader context of school discipline.

Interlibrary Loan

Facilitating access to a broader range of resources, interlibrary loan policies specify protocols for requesting and borrowing materials. It’s crucial for such policies to define eligibility, limitations, and responsibilities for borrowed items.

Intellectual Freedom and Controversial Issues

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School libraries are hallowed grounds for intellectual freedom and the exploration of ideas. Policies must protect this freedom while also providing a procedure for the evaluation and reconsideration of resources challenged based on contentious content.

Confidentiality of Library Patron Records

The right to privacy is paramount. Confidentiality of library records must be maintained, with staff and volunteers adequately trained to ensure the protection of patron information within the school’s circulation system.

Bibliography: Print and Electronic Resources

For further guidance on library media policies, the bibliography lists essential print and electronic resources that expand on the legal, ethical, and practical aspects of managing school libraries.

Appendix: Position Statements by AASL, ALA, AECT, NCTE

Position statements by recognized organizations provide foundational support for the policies affecting school libraries and media centers. They reflect prevailing professional and ethical standards, giving structure and credibility to local policies.

Traveling Through the Pages

Ultimately, school library media centers serve as portals to worlds both real and imagined. A carefully curated library collection can take students on journeys across the globe and through time, contributing to their understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures, perspectives, and ideas. Just as one might explore new destinations through travel, students can navigate the vast landscapes of knowledge and learning through the resources provided by their school libraries.


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